The Mac opened in Belfast’s Cathedral Quarter in 2012 and is a cultural hub hosting exhibitions, theatre performances, family workshops and lots more. It has two theatres, three art galleries, one rehearsal space, one dance studio, three workshop rooms, four offices for resident art groups, a restaurant & bar, one artist-in-residence studio and one permanent artwork.
Current Art exhibitions – 26 May – 8 August 2021
Ambera Wellman – UnTurning (located in the upper gallery)
May Balcioglu (located in the tall gallery)
Jaap Pieters – The Eye of Amsterdam (located in the sunken gallery)
Artwork – The Permanent Present
The Permanent Present is the MAC’s only permanent sculptural artwork by Irish Artist Mark Garry. The Sculpture is located in the main foyer and consist of over 300 metal wires which creates a spectrum of colour that travels through the foyer.
Cafe Bar
Treat yourself to a lovely breakfast, sandwich or sweet treat. There is also a menu for the little diners. The MAC Cafe Bar is open Wednesday to Sundays from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm and is available for bookings.
Pre booking for exhibitions is essential. For further information and to find out what’s on, visit the website.